Media relations post COVID-19: A demo campaign for TD Bank

Toronto-Dominion Bank Branch, London, Ontario | The Toronto-… | Flickr

Right now, everyone is talking about the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.

But the fact is, this too shall pass. And businesses need to prepare for its after-effects.

Organizations that start creating a strong post-pandemic strategy now will have a heads start on their competitors. These are the businesses that will move and recover faster when all of this is over.

Demo post-pandemic media relations campaign for TD Bank.

I created this presentation as an assignment in my media relations class. Motivated by the positive feedback I got from my professor, Samantha Kemp-Jackson, I decided to share it on my blog.

Hopefully, this will inspire you to rise above the current doom and gloom, and look towards a greener tomorrow.


The media relations campaign for the future.



See you on the next post…

Orode Uwawah

My name is Orode (pronounced Or-Raw-Day). I am a public relations specialist, marketing communications professional and copywriter. I write about an assorted variety of topics ranging from industry trends, to social issues, to random ramblings. Let's get connected on LinkedIn.

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