ORODE UWAWAH - Blog Articles & Writeups
I love it when different brands collaborate on a joint project for the common good. So I was quite thrilled when I heard that WPP, Ogilvy’s Employee Experience team, and the People and Purpose...
Right now, everyone is talking about the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. But the fact is, this too shall pass. And businesses need to prepare for its after-effects. Organizations that start creating a strong post-pandemic strategy...
Due to the ongoing pandemic, many brands are shying away from marketing communications. Hence, a lot of opportunities to make a meaningful difference in people’s lives go by untapped. Canada’s National Poutine Day, on...
Once upon a time Storytelling used to mean just folklore and fairy tales to me. Today, I live to tell stories. My story started sometime in 2007 when I told entertainment stories as a...
Hello! Here is a sample internal communications memo I wrote some weeks ago. The organization, its staff, and every other thing mentioned in the letter is entirely fictitious. Before reading the memo though, here...
With COVID-19 forcing most people to stay indoors in the last few weeks, one natural consequence is weight gain. Everyone and their dogs seem to be getting fat. This has reignited latent body...
The letter below is a sample write-up I did as a class assignment. It is a blogpost from a CEO to all employees of the organisation. FROM EMPLOYEE TO SUPERHERO: HOW WE PUT...
March 8th is the international day of women and in honour of all the women in the workplace, I will be talking about the gender pay gap. Now more than ever, it is...
Hello and welcome to my blog. By means of introduction, I think it is only proper for me to start with my name – and its correct pronunciation. My name is Orode, and...